Tuesday, September 7, 2010


With Tom back in school, we are trying to get back to our routine.  We had a fun and crazy summer, but now we need to get back to a little routine.  This summer I started a new part time job, that seems to be working out well.  It will be interesting to see how things go now that Tom is back in school.  I think that things are going to go fine, we just need to get into our routine of both of us working.

As I wrote in prior posts, the 3 kiddos got accepted into early intervention for a speech delay.  I also found out today that they are going to be in a group on Fridays which means more socialization for them.  I am really looking forward to having EI involved.  I am even more looking forward to going to group.  This week we start group and start the 3 kids' IFSP (their service plan).  It will be nice to know that we definitely have specific things scheduled for certain days and I still want to try to get them into other things like the library, art class, play groups, etc.

I am also the co-chair of my twin's grouop COPE meetings.  This should be interesting since I will be working til 7:30 and they start at 7:30.  Tom is going to have to get the kids in bed by himself 1 night a month.  I'm sure he'll do fine, it's just a lot of work for 1 person.

My newest fall goal is to get the kids started on some arts and crafts projects.  Maybe, if I can get them started on something, I can do something too.  There is just not enough time in the day to do the things that need to be done as well as the things that I want to do.

I am really looking forward to the fall weather.  Hopefully we'll get out to the park more.  This summer we spent a lot of time in our back yard or our neighbor's.  I hope that the twin's group starts up more playground dates or even playdates at peoples houses.

Sleep, which is always in issue, has been good and bad.  Michael is doing better at sleeping through the night, but is going to bed later than I would like.  I am hoping that with our schedule getting back to normal, he'll get back to his normal bedtime.  Overall, I can't complain about the sleep patterns the last couple of weeks.  Now if only they would remain good!


1 comment:

  1. Someone once told me about MuckyKids Art Studio in Cambridge. (http://www.muckykids.com/) The have classes and drop-in times. Also, the LexFun group does a craft project twice a month. They call it Winter Fun in the fall/winter and Summer Fun in the spring/summer. (http://www.lexfun.org/winterfun/)
