Monday, March 7, 2011

Makes My Monday:IEP and Preschool

Michael turns 3 tomorrow.  I can't believe I have a 3 year old and he will be starting school soon.  Michael has a fairly significant speech delay and has been in EI for 6 months until he aged out at 3.  EI made a referral to the public school system given his speech delay and him being somewhat behind in his social skills.  We went for his initial IEP meeting and I really felt like those that observed him, got a really good picture of who he is.  They talked a lot about his strengths and how those strengths would be really beneficial in helping him with the areas that he needs to work on.  I got to see his classroom and I found out that he is going to need a back pack and a lunch box.  I am considering making him a lunch bag instead of buying one.  It's something simple that I can do and it will be nice for him to have something that I made for him.  For now he will be attending the 1/2 day pre-school program and will even be getting services through the summer.  This plan is in place for the next year.  I guess then we will have another IEP meeting.  I am so happy that he got into the pre-school program.  I really think it is going top be good for him to be in school and away from me for a short time.  I'm sure that it is going to be an adjustment for all of us, but I am so excited and can't wait to see him bloom into who he is.

Having my oldest start pre-school and hopefully getting better with his communication skills and social skills totally makes my Monday!



  1. Awwwwww! How exciting, Amy! :)

    Your news Makes My Monday, too!

  2. That is very exciting! I know you were really hoping he'd get into that preschool, so I'm glad it all worked out for you. I hope his first day goes well. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. That's great news...I'm glad he got into that program too. The services are going to help him so much and I think he'll love your lunch ;)
