Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1st day back at work

Ok, let me clarify! I am not back at work, I am never not at work, but I love every day.

Tom went back to school today! It was a tough night with the kids last night, but otherwise not a bad day first day on my own again. It's pretty bittersweet with him back at school. I am now alone with the kids and on just the kids' schedule and mine, but I miss having someone else around to help with 3 little kids and spending time with my whole family. This summer has been the best summer. I got to spend every day with Tom and the 3 kiddos. Who could ask for better. Maybe better summer weather, but we took advantage of every good day. We went to farms and farmer's markets and enjoyed places like Rockport and Portsmouth! We ate great food, some of which I even cooked. I am looking forward to the cool weather. I love the cool brisk air of fall. I love wearing thick sweaters in the cool air with the sun beaming down on you. I love that the air is crisp and comfortable. I can't wait to go for walks with the kids.

I LOVE FALL! I can't wait to enjoy the crisp, clean, cool air!


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